Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers are substances that contains microorganism’s living or latent cells which, when applied to soil, colonise the rhizosphere of the plant, promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of nutrients to the host plant.

SPIC Vonder
SPIC VONDER is a Vesicular Aurbuscular Mycorrhizal preparation that contains spores (a sexual resting Clamydospores), fragments of mycorrhizal fungal filaments and infected root bits. WS-VAM preparation is made on a water-soluble carrier containing endo-mycorrhizal species @ 1,00,000 spores per 100 grams of the product. This concentrated fine material is ideal for “Water in” or “Spray” applications.
Composition |
Content |
Total viable spores/ gram of Product |
Minimum 10 viable spores per gram of finished product |
pH |
5.0 – 7.0 |
Inoculum potential |
1200 IP per gram of finished product by MPN method with 10-fold dilution |
- Helps the plants to absorb water and nutrients, such as P, K, Cu, Zn, S, N2, Ca, Al, Mg, Mn & Fe etc., Instead of doing all of the work themselves, plants get mycorrhizae to do it for them
- It protects the roots against many stress conditions like drought, adverse pH, heavy metals, plant pathogens, low nutrition & adverse temperatures etc., and by making feeder roots more resistant to infection by certain soil fungi such as Phytophthora spp., Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., and nematodes
- Compatible with all Biofertilizers
- Ecofriendly and helps to balance Co2
Mode of Action:
Mycorrhizae form a mutualistic relationship with the roots of most plant species and colonize plant roots to create a symbiotic root and mycelial network. These mycelial networks extend far into the soil thereby accelerating plant strength by increasing the surface absorbing area of roots 100 to 1000 times and greatly improving the ability of the plant to access soil resources such as increasing absorption of phosphorus, water and other important macro and essential micronutrients. VONDER increases nutrient uptake not only by increasing the surface absorbing area of the roots, but also release powerful enzymes into the soil that dissolve hard-to-capture nutrients such as organic Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Iron and other tightly bound soil nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi form an intricate web that captures and assimilates nutrients, conserving the nutrient capital in soils. WS VAM can be used for all crops except cruciferous plants.
Method of Application:
VONDER 250 g to be mixed with 25 litre of water then diluted with 200 litre of water and apply through the drip irrigation system.
Soil Application:
VONDER in required quantities (250g/ ha) has to be mixed with organic fertilizer/peat / moistened vermiculite/field or jungle soil (1000 kgs) which are rich in organic matter. This blend is applied by a process of broadcasting as soil application during the last ploughing followed by the first irrigation. WS -VAM can be mixed with Biofertilizer of different categories (N, P, K and S - fixers and solublisers).
Seed Treatment:
25-50 g of VONDER is to be mixed with optimum water to make a thick slurry. The VONDER slurry so prepared can be used for coating the seeds of a hectare. The treated seeds are shade dried and are ready for sowing.
Green house Potted Plants: Planting medium and potting medium can be mixed with VONDER at desired proportion (i.e. 3-5 gms/ l0 kgs of planting medium approximate) and used. Optimal watering is preferred to maintain the effectiveness of VONDER. Normally VONDER must be worked/ forked into the soil.
- Direct sown crops (oil seeds, cotton, melons, cucumber& tuber crops etc.,)
First application: Seed treatment:
- 25-50g of VONDER for seeds required per hectare
Second application: Fertigation, Drenching spray & Soil drenching
- Apply approximately 15 days after sowing or first application
- 250 grams per hectare
- Transplanted crops (Chilli, Capsicum, onion, tomato, eggplant, CoIe crops, and annual transplanted crops)
First application: Seedling dip
- 10 grams per litre of water
- Dip the seedling in solution for 5 minutes before transplanting
Second application: Fertigation, Drenching spray & Soil drenching
- Apply approximately 15 days after transplanting (coinciding with owering)
- 250 grams per hectare
- Horticultural crops (fruit crops, plantation crops & perennials)
First application: soil drenching or fertigation
- At the time of fertilizer application
- 250 grams per hectare: 0 to 6 years of crop
- 500 grams per hectare: > 6-year o1d crop
Second application: soil drenching or fertigation
- 40 to 45 days after the first application
- 250 grams per hectare: 0 to 6-year o1d crop
- 500 grams per hectare: > 6-year old crop

SPIC Vonder Plus
SPIC VONDER PLUS is a specially formulated microbial Dispersible Powder (DP) of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) that penetrates the vascular system of plants and promotes nutrient absorption from the soil. SPIC VONDER PLUS contains VAM spores & fragments of fungal filaments (Minimum10 spores/gr and IP 1200/gr). They form arbuscules in the root zone. These arbuscules are the most characteristic intracellular structures that act as a trap for capturing vital plant nutrients from the soil. It is highly recommended for basal application or within 15-20 days of planting/sowing.
Composition |
Content |
Total viable spores/ gram of Product |
Minimum 10 viable spores per gram of finished product |
pH |
5.0 – 7.0 |
Inoculum potential |
1200 IP per gram of finished product by MPN method with 10-fold dilution |
- SPIC VONDER PLUS increases root biomass and enhances absorption of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium etc., from the soil
- Solubilizes insoluble phosphates and improves uptake of Phosphorus by plants
- Triggers plant immune system and strengthens plant defence mechanisms
- Promotes stress tolerance, inhibits nematodes and fungal pathogens
- Appropriate for soil drenching and drip irrigation
- Compatible with other chemical fertilizers except Sulphur based fertilizers
- Avoid application of Fungicides at the time of application of VAM
- Boosts crop productivity
- Increases overall yield with high quality index
- Ideal for cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits, vegetables and plantation crops
- Eco friendly and does not pollute ground water
- 500g /acre for short duration crops (4–6-month age crop)
- 1kg/acre for fruits, plantations and commercial crops

SPIC Vonder Max
SPIC VONDER MAX is a highly promising biofertilizer (Vesicular Arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM)) in granular formulation that penetrates the vascular system of plants and enhances nutrient absorption from the soil. SPIC VONDER MAX contains VAM spores & fragments of fungal filaments (10 spores/gr and IP 1200/gr). They form arbuscules in the root zone that acts as a trap to capture vital nutrients from the soil. It is highly recommended for basal application or within 15-20 days of planting/sowing.
Composition |
Content |
Total viable spores/ gram of Product |
Minimum 10 viable spores per gram of finished product |
pH |
5.0 – 7.0 |
Inoculum potential |
1200 IP per gram of finished product by MPN method with 10-fold dilution |
- SPIC VONDER MAX increases root biomass and enhances absorption of soil nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium etc.,)
- Improves fertilizer use efficiency
- Solubilizes low-soluble and insoluble P sources in the soil and increases uptake of Phosphorus by plants
- Triggers plant immune system and strengthens plant defence mechanisms
- Promotes stress tolerance, supresses nematodes and fungal pathogens
- Highly recommended for broadcasting near the root zone. At the time of broadcasting, ensure availability of sufficient moisture in the soil
- Promotes stronger roots and shoot development
- Boosts crop productivity and overall yield-quality index
- 4kg/acre for short duration crops (4–6-month age crop)
- 8kg/acre for fruits, plantation, and commercial crops

SPIC Konsorzio
SPIC KONSORZIO is a carrier/ liquid consortium of beneficial microbes' viz., Azotobacter tropicalis, Bacillus aryabhattai and Pseudomonas taiwanensis. It contains N fixing, P & Zn solubilizing & K mobilizing plant growth promoting microbes. This technology was developed & Licensed by ICAR, IIHR – Indian Institute of Horticultural Research.
Composition |
Content |
Individual organism viable count |
CFU minimum in a mixture of ant 2 or maximum 3 of following microorganisms: CFU minimum: Rhizobium or Azotobacter or Azospirillum 5 x 107cells per milliliter (ml) CFU minimum PSB: 5 x 107cells per milliliter(ml) CFU minimum KSB: 5 x 107cells per milliliter(ml) |
Total viable count of all the bio fertilizers in the product |
CFU minimum 1.5 x 108 cells per milliliter (ml) |
Contamination level |
No contamination at any dilution |
pH |
5.0 – 7.0 |
Efficiency Character |
The efficiency character of individual microorganisms is to be determined as mentioned in the case of individual biofertilizers through quantitative estimation methods. |
- Early seed germination
- Increased seedling vigour
- Sufficient PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) colonization of vegetable seedlings prior to transplantation
- Yield increase by 10 - 15 % in all crops
- Suitable for seed treatment, soil drenching, main field application, fertigation and nursery media enrichment like Coco peat
- Growers need not apply Nitrogen fixing, Phosphorous & Zinc Solubilizing, Potash mobilizing and growth-promoting bacteria individually.
- Solid formulation: Soil application – 5kg/acre; Suspension – 20gm/lit
- Liquid formulation – 3 litre/acre.

SPIC MOB-K contains Potash mobilizing bacteria & is available in granular form. It helps in dissolving the insoluble potash and other nutrients in the soil and encourages better absorption of these nutrients by the crops.
Composition |
Content |
Total viable Count |
CFU minimum 5 x 107cell per gram of powder, granules or carrier material or per gram of capsule content 1x 108 cell per millilitre (ml) of liquid |
Contamination level |
No contamination at 105 dilution |
pH |
6.5 - 7.5 for carrier based in the form of powder or granules and 5.0 - 7.5 for liquid base or capsule in gelatin-based. |
Efficiency Character |
The strain should be capable of solubilizing at least 20 mg/litre of Potash in the liquid broth when tested as per the method given using Aluminium Potassium Silicate as K source. |
- Encourages better absorption of soluble potash and other nutrients from the soil and translocating of nutrients within the crop system
- Helps in improving the Soil texture & structure
- Induces more flowering and fruit-set & also controls flower and fruit drop
- Helps in increasing the yield by 20% & also helps in enhancing the Shelf life of the produce.
- 3 – 4 kg/ acre: Mix with 50 Kg FYM or Compost before sowing or at the time of transplanting for all crops
- Standing crop: 3 – 4 kg/ acre at 25 – 30 DAP.

SPIC NIT- FIX is a Rhizobium spp. enriched biofertilizer that boosts leguminous crop growth with a natural dose of Nitrogen. It is specially formulated with a rich culture of Rhizobium bacteria (CFU count 5x107/g. minimum) and water-soluble carrier material using HiTech Bio-Priming technology. This product pack (10g) comes with a 30ml pouch of SPIC STIC-FAS polymer. It is recommended to mix SPIC NIT-FIX with SPIC STIC-FAS polymer before application for effective results.
Composition |
Content |
Total viable count |
CFU minimum 5x10⁷cell per gram of powder, granules, carrier material /or per gram capsule content in gelatin base or 1x108 cell per ml of liquid. |
Contamination level |
No contamination at 105 dilution |
PH |
5.0-7.0 |
Efficiency character |
Should show effective nodulation on all the species listed on the packet and there should be minimum of 25% increase in dry matter yield in test plant, after 25 days after sowing (DAS) when tested as per the method given under controlled conditions. |
- SPIC NIT- FIX improves germination and seedling vigour
- Helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammoniacal form that plants can readily absorb
- Induces disease resistance and stress tolerance
- Improves the market quality of the produce
- Supports sustainable agricultural practices by maintaining the natural nutrient cycle and improving soil fertility without harming the environment
- Increases cost-benefit ratio
- For seed treatment, mix the polymer (that comes along with this pack) in 500ml water
- Soyabean requires 30 ml of polymer binder, whereas redgram, bengalgram, greengram, blackgram and groundnut need 50 ml
- Add the required quantity of SPIC NIT FIX to the appropriate quantity of water-polymer mix solution as given in the table below
- Thoroughly mix the seeds with the solution as per the seed rate provided in the below tabulation
- The treated seeds should be shade dried for 5-10 mins before sowing
Recommended Crops |
Seed rate (kg)/acre |
Product required(g)/ seeds for 1 acre |
Water-polymer mix solution required (ml)/seeds for 1 acre |
Soybean |
30 |
23 |
210 |
Green peas |
32 |
24 |
225 |
Red gram/Pigeon pea |
8 |
6 |
80 |
Bengal gram/Chickpea |
40 |
30 |
400 |
Ground nut |
40 |
30 |
400 |
Black gram |
8 |
6 |
65 |